What's FISTS?

QSL Bureau
Membership (How to Join)
Inquires to


We are pleased to announce the establishment of a new Fists chapter, Fists East Asia, with 20 Fists members in Taiwan and Japan.
The Fists East Asia team would like to thank Geo, Ralph, Nancy and others for offering a great deal of assistance in establishing this new chapter.


The FISTS Club, (International Morse Preservation Society) was founded in 1987 by Geo Longden G3ZQS of Darwen, Lancs England, after recognising a need for a club in which veteran operators would help newcomers and
less-experienced operators learn and improve CW proficiency.
During the first year, membership reached 300, most of whom were in Great Britain and Europe.

The North American chapter was formed in 1990 to assist 11 members in the USA receive the newsletter and as a banking convenience. Nancy Kott WZ8C of Hadley, Michigan was named US representative, a position she still holds but she now handles the affairs of over 2,000 members in the Americas.

The NZ Chapter was formed in 1998 to provide a similar service to Australasian members, with Ralph Sutton ZL2AOH as the VK/ZL representative. From a VK/ZL membership of four, there are now over 70 members "Down Under", principally in New Zealand. The NZ membership is the largest in any country outside England and Wales and North America.

The East Asia Chapter was formed in 2004 by a few BVs and JAs to provide East Asian members with various services in their native languages.

Worldwide, there are more than 15,000 members as of March 2023.

The FISTS Club is one amateur radio's fastest growing organisations. It's an unique club, founded and maintained on solid principles using radio's oldest and yet most reliable communications mode - CW!

FISTS Awards

FISTS members participate between themselves in a popular award scheme that includes the following:

1 point for your own country
2 points outside your own country as per DXCC rules
3 points for any FISTS club station
5 points for any of the NATIONAL FISTS club stations : GX0IPX, ZL6FF, KN0WCW, VK2FDU and JL3YMV

See FISTS HQ and FISTS NA for more information.


FISTS operate the QSL Bureau in the Europe, Down Under and East Asia for the quick exchange of QSL cards between members.

FISTS Club Membership / How to Join Us

FISTS members are young, old, both OMs and YLs, - they live all over the world including every State in the USA, hold every licence class, (while in fact some are prospective licences and SWLs) and all enjoy CW communications at widely varying proficiency levels.

FISTS is not tied to any commercial interests and has no paid employees. BV and JA members subscribe to the UK produced newsletter Keynote and a local supplement FISTS East Asia. All our activities are funded entirely from modest annual fees of 5 USD (Credit Card only, using PayPal) or 500 JPY (Bank only).(*)

* Annual fees: not needed since April 2006.
* Membeship certification: costs 7 USD if you want. Under 18 years old, first issue is FREE.
QTC: Membership certification is being suspended to issue because the international postal delivery from Japan is in trouble due to the COVID-19 pandemics. It will be resumed when the things settled down. (12 July 2020)

Requirements for membership of the FISTS Club are very simple. One simply has to like Morse code! You do not need to be a member of any other organisation and there is no minimum Morse proficiency requirement.

If you want to join us, please email to following address with your:

join dash fea at fists dash ea dot org

If you are currently an inactive (a lapsed) member, please rejoin our club.

Inquires to:

question at fists dash ea dot org


Copyright (c) 2004 by FISTS EAST ASIA. All Rights Reserved.